

Hello! It's nice of you to stop in πŸ™‚

Thanks for taking the time to visit and learn more about wine 🍷

Why does this website exist?

Before I started "I can sommelier" I knew little about wine.

I started reading any book I could find on wine-making, but it was hard to apply it from my apartment in Melbourne, Australia.

I decided to take my learning a step further and start writing about it.

A blog seemed the obvious choice because of people like you. There are thousands of wine enthusiasts around the world who all know a little something about wine.

I'm hoping to meet people like you, talk about wine, share our knowledge and maybe even a glass of red.

Lastly, I'd like to mention that if a certain concept in my posts is hard for me to understand, I will say so, hoping that others might read it and chime in with the answer.

Further, if I have something wrong, then I would love to know about it so that I don't mislead others πŸ™‚


Why "I Can Sommelier"?

The name "I can sommelier" took about 10 minutes to come up with.

I've created a few websites in the past and I always spent so much time on a name. Well this time, I wanted to jump right in. So I wrote down 10 names quickly and then picked the best one.

I like this name for two reasons:

  1. It's easy to understand who the website is for. Wine is for everyone, you don't need to know everything, you can be a sommelier too if only you have a passion to learn more about the wine world.

  2. It includes "can" which is the short form of Canada, where I was born and planning to make wine with my family and my partner Ana.

Where is this website going?

I broke down the wine world into 3 main subjects:

  1. Vineyard Management - The raw materials and the plants that make it all happen. Legend says"you can make bad wine with great grapes, but you can’t make great wine with bad grapes."

  2. Winemaking - the science, craft, and magic behind the beverage that gives us some of our most memorable nights. You might even say that "you can have a sad night with good wine, but you can't have a great night with bad wine".

  3. Drinking Wine - I never know what to label this, but it's everything else under the sun. Essentially it is drinking wine. The experience, the people, the stories are all part of it.

From here the website can go anywhere. I am trying to add something new every week, to keep up my learning and hopefully, over time, I will find some like-minded people to learn with.

I also have ideas for wine apps that I could integrate with the website, but only if there is time πŸ™‚

Who am I?

My name is Spencer.


I'm from Canada, but recently spent some time in Australia and Europe with my girlfriend Ana.

I have shiny-coin syndrome. I love learning about many different things: hockey, dogs, ice cream, tennis, AI, bitcoin, and of course, wine to name a few.

My family, more specifically, my parents recently planted a vineyard in Warkworth, Canada and we are hoping to produce some wine in 2021. They also planted close to 20,000 lavender plants, heaps of apple trees and are hoping to host weddings in the near future.

You should also meet my girlfriend Ana. She helps a lot with the pictures and videos and is running the Instagram page πŸ™‚


Working that social media game πŸ˜‰

Getting involved or getting in touch


Well thanks for checking us out πŸ˜‰

But seriously, thanks for taking the time to learn more about wine and the blog.

If you've read this far, then I'd love to have a chat. You're obviously into wine, so why not have a virtual coffee or glass of wine? πŸ™‚

I'm always happy to meet new people in the wine world and if you happen to have any ideas on how we can work together, I'd love to hear them.